Fifth Gen Pontiac T/A - 2011 Trans AmHot Rodders Show How GM Should Have Done It. From the March, 2010 issue of Hot Rod Magazine By Rob Kinnan Photography by Otto Body, Wes AlIison

Read more: http://www.hotrod.com/featuredvehicles/hrdp_1003_2011_pontiac_trans_am/viewall.html#ixzz1diRoj94Y


When news of the Camaro's rebirth got teeth back in 2006, the HOT ROD staff was frothing at the mouth, and it wasn't long before one of us asked the question, "I wonder if they'll do a Firebird version of it?" Of course, Pontiac still existed at the time, so it seemed logical.

We then saw designer Kevin Morgan's concept drawing of a new Trans Am, using the Camaro as the base. He hit it out of the park with the rendering, which appeared in the May '07 issue, and we're not the only ones to think so.

Tod Warmack at Trans Am Depot in Tallahassee, Florida (www.transamdepot.com), thought the same thing and told his brother and business partner, Scott, "If Pontiac doesn't build a Trans Am, we can do it based on Kevin's design."

Pressed for a ballpark price tag, Tod says, "My best guess is that it'll run from the low 20s for the conversion to the high 40s, depending on options."

Right now, the team is working on two more cars for one customer while constantly refining the design. By the time the program is ready to roll, the car will look a bit different from this one.

"We've been contacted by quite a few people who want us to build them a car, but we're putting them off until the finished kit comes out in March or April.

We're working on refinements while not under the deadline pressure of SEMA, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the changes we're doing from this car," Tod says. And to add fuel to the fire, he let it slip that they're also thinking of working on '69 and '70 versions of the car.

So there you go, Trans Am lovers. Even though Pontiac is no more, you can still have your brand-new, modern Trans Am. And if you're thinking about a 2011 sequel to Smokey and the Bandit, well, so are we. Read more: http://www.hotrod.com/featuredvehicles/hrdp_1003_2011_pontiac_trans_am/viewall.html#ixzz1diRHC1hL http://www.hotrod.com/featuredvehicles/hrdp_1003_2011_pontiac_trans_am/viewall.html, Retrieved from online on 11/9/2011. Return from TRANS-AM to Concept Cars.

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